在文章“CIBC Dividend Visa Platinum/Infinite 信用卡”中,网友“sherman”指出:我也以为和Scotiabank Momentum Visa Infinite 类似呢。仔细看他们的条款,相差太远了。 4%最高消费额度是2万或者前8万内。2万*0.04才800. Scotiabank的可是2.5万*0.04=1000. 光这一下年费都出来了。而且没有前8万的限制。嗯,聚沙决定把2家的Cash Back条款拿来细看:
CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite: The 4% and 2% cash back offers are only available on the first $80,000 in net annual card purchases (meaning all card purchases by all cardholders, at any type of merchant) or $20,000 on gas, grocery, TELUS or Tim Hortons purchases on your account, whichever comes first; after that, net card purchases at all merchants, including grocery stores, service stations/automatic gas dispensers, TELUS or Tim Hortons will earn cash back at the regular rate of 1%. The $80,000 limit and the $20,000 limit will reset to zero after the day your December statement is printed.
Scotiabank Momentum Visa Infinite: You will earn 4% cash back on the first $25,000 you spend annually at gas stations and grocery stores. You will earn 2% cash back on the first $25,000 you spend annually on recurring payments and drug store purchases. You will earn 1% cash back on purchases made after you have reached the 4% and 2% $25,000 annual spend maximum ("overflow") and on all other eligible purchases made with the card. Purchase returns, payments, cash advances, Scotia Credit Card Cheques, credit vouchers, card fees, interest charges or service/transaction charges do not qualify for Scotia Momentum cash back.
Scotiabank Gold AmEx: You will earn 4 points per $1 on the first $50,000 in purchases made annually at American Express merchants classified in the American Express network as: Gas Service Stations and Automated Fuel Dispensers; Grocery Stores and Supermarkets; Eating Places and Restaurants, Drinking Places, Fast Food Restaurants; and Entertainment including Motion Picture Theaters, Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies, Bands, Orchestras and Miscellaneous Entertainers. Some merchants may sell these products/services or are separate merchants who are located on the premises of these merchants, but are classified by American Express in another manner, in which case this added benefit would not apply. You will earn 1 point per $1 on purchases made after you have reached the 4 points per $1 $50,000 annual spend maximum and on all other purchases made with the card.
从字面上看起来,Scotiabank的2张信用卡关于4%上的说明还是比较清楚的。很明显,Scotiabank Gold AmEx要好于Momentum Visa Infinite。再比较2张Visa Infinite信用卡. Scotiabank Momentum Visa Infinite是说每年花在加油/买菜上的头$25000,可以得到4% Cashback。就是说4%的bonus,每年最多可拿到$25000*4%=$1000。
CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite的条款我看不太懂【我英语不好,CIBC你不要骗我。。。】。第一句是说所有超过1%的bonus只有在年消费的前8万可以得(嗯,就是说,如果你刷卡买汽车花了$8万,那你后面就算买菜/加油也没有4%可拿)。第二句有些绕,到底这几个“or”是怎么断句的呢?我开始通过CIBC网上的Cash Back计算器开始了演算,得出结论:当你年内买菜+加油+TELUS+Tim Horton的消费额达到$2万开始,后面所有类型的消费的都是1%。也就是说Scotiabank Momentum Visa Infinite允许你在加油/买菜的头$25000得4%+允许你在药店/付账单的头$25000得2%;而CIBC只允许你在他的4个高bonus类别上一共消费$2万【我去,CIBC太鸡贼了】。
此外,CIBC奇葩的Cash Back规则还造成了个奇怪的现象:就是你每年的总消费额高但可能会导致你的Cash back变低(见下图)【第一眼看见真以为是CIBC的IT写错code了。对不起,IT同志们,错怪你们了】。聚沙只能说CIBC信用卡部门也真是有才,想出来这么个金玉其外,败絮其中,东施尿频的规则。我可以想象CIBC的客服是绝对不会主动跟客户提这里面的猫腻的。坚决抵制加拿大奸商CIBC!!!