RCM出了不少$20 for $20, $25 for $25, $50 for $50, $100 for $100, $200 for $200的银币,每种都是纯银打造,制作精美,数量有限。这种银币最大的好处就是不会贬值【购买时按面值付钱,无Tax,无运费,面值固定,不会随着银价下跌而下跌。要知道最近2年银价可是跌了不少啊】。
聚沙本人时常会买一些的,只买自己喜欢的款式,或者买给孩子玩。当然价值上算起来离真正投资差远了【不过我也听说有朋友开好几个账户,把能买的这类银币都买了,还在持续投资中】。图中右下角是今年买的面值$25的银币【挺有圣诞气氛,还有色彩】,左下角是前2年买的圣诞老人的$20银币【目前ebay上平均售价在$25 CAD左右】。
而且你还可以使用信用卡在RCM网站(购买,一方面可以满足信用卡开卡的消费要求,另一方面还可以得到信用卡的cash back。此外,网友“大玩家”还指出:有RBC的信用卡(积累RBC Rewards的),在 RBC Rewards eMall的商店里点到RCM去买,每消费$1可得8 RBC Rewards points【如果你的是RBC Avion Visa Infinite,就等于花$1得8里程。注意:这个offer is subject to change.】。聚沙查过GCR/MBNA e-Mall/Aeroplan e-Store,都没看见RCM,看来要想多拿羊毛,还需要开一张RBC的信用卡。【说明一下:本人和RCM/RBC没有任何利益关系。。。】
- 只要你多开几个RCM账户,就可以大量从Mint.ca进银币了。
- 再申请1张RBC的信用卡,你就可以边买银币边薅羊毛了(其他信用卡也行,就是羊毛少些)。
- 放个几年,等RCM上同款银币卖光了,你就可以在ebay以高于面值的价格出售银币了。如果过几年,银价上升,那会赚得更多。【不愿意等的朋友,可以跳过此步】
- 万一没卖出去,只要你愿意花时间/精力或者你有一个关系很好的银行客服,你还可以将RCM银币按面值卖给银行的。
RCM FAQ: Can I redeem a collector coin at a bank or use it as currency to purchase goods or services? -- All coins manufactured by the Mint are legal tender. However, unlike Canadian circulation coins, collector coins are non-circulating legal tender (NCLT). As such, these coins are not intended for daily commercial transactions and accepting them as payment or for redemption is at the discretion of businesses and financial institutions. The Mint has a process in place to reimburse financial institutions the face value of redeemed NCLT coins, once they have accepted them from a customer and returned them to the Mint. In the event a bank branch is unaware of this procedure, customers are advised to contact the Mint with the coordinates of the bank branch, which will take steps to inform the branch of the redemption process. As collector coins can only be redeemed at face value by businesses and financial institutions willing to accept them, it is recommended that individuals wishing to sell a collector coin first consult with a coin dealer, who is more likely to offer a price above face value.
2016年1月9日更新:在 RBC Rewards eMall的商店里点到RCM去购物,目前每消费$1可得2 RBC Rewards points,不再是$1得8 points了【如果你的是RBC Avion Visa Infinite,就等于花$1得2里程。注意:这个offer is subject to change.】。前面那个$1得8 points实在太逆天了,不可持续啊。不过目前$1得2 points仍然是最高的回报。
2016年2月5日更新:【多谢davi nani提供信息】RBC eMall取消RCM相关的bonus points了。